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Hands-On Training in PhoRTE® - Live in Sin City

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Name, Degree, Professional Credentials
Clinic Address
41 Main Street, #166, Middleton MA. 01949
Clinic Phone
Clinic Website URL
Year of PhoRTE Training Course Completion
Name, Degree, Professional Credentials
Clinic Address
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; West Campus; 185 Pilgrim Road, Boston, MA 02215
Clinic Phone
Year of PhoRTE Training Course Completion

Welcome to New Group!

Congratulations on enrolling in the New Group at PhoRTETM

You’ll soon be redirected to the Test Group Page. Also, you can explore the courses associated with your group by visiting ‘My Account’ > ‘Courses’.

We wish you a joyful learning experience and success in your journey.

Best regards, The PhoRTETM Team
PHORTELogos final_9_7_18_FINAL-01

Welcome to Test Group!

Congratulations on enrolling in the Test Group at PhoRTETM

You’ll soon be redirected to the Test Group Page. Also, you can explore the courses associated with your group by visiting ‘My Account’ > ‘Courses’.

We wish you a joyful learning experience and success in your journey.

Best regards, The PhoRTETM Team
PHORTELogos final_9_7_18_FINAL-01


You have successfully completed:

“PhoRTETM Voice Therapy: An On-Demand How-To Workshop for the Speech-Language Pathologist”

We hope that you have found it informative and valuable. Thank you for your dedication and hard work. You can now access your certificate by clicking here:

Best of luck in your future endeavors!

PHORTELogos final_9_7_18_FINAL-01


You have successfully completed:

“PhoRTE™ Voice Therapy: A Live Workshop for the Speech-Language Pathologist”

We hope that you have found it informative and valuable. Thank you for your dedication and hard work. You can now access your certificate by clicking here:

Best of luck in your future endeavors!

PHORTELogos final_9_7_18_FINAL-01

Dr. Edie Hapner


Dr Hapner, co-developer of PhoRTE Voice Therapy, has been a practicing clinician for over 40 years. She earned a PhD in speech and hearing science from Vanderbilt University in 2003. Dr Hapner was appointed the George W. Barber Jr Foundation Endowed Professor of Otolaryngology at the University of Alabama, Birmingham. She serves as the Co-Director of the UAB Voice Center and the Division Chief of Speech and Hearing in the Department of Otolaryngology at UAB. Dr Hapner is well known internationally for publications and presentations in care of the voice. She championed the voice centric Clinical Fellowship at Emory University in 2004 and has trained over 20 consecutive clinical fellows in voice and upper airway. Dr Hapner is actively involved with the American Speech Language and Hearing Association as a prior Board of Directors Vice President, SIG 3 Coordinating Committee member and Coordinator, and the Co-Chair of the ASHA Annual Convention 2020 and 2022.